Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Bud and A Dud for the week...

Let's start off with our Bud of the week:

Message received on 07/24/12:

"Your style, or at least your style is like steampunk, but its something else to, and I can't quite put my finger on it, it has me dumped, but either way it is pretty awesome!"

I didn't mean for my sense of style to take a dump on you, but nonetheless, thanks for the compliment!  For that, you are the Bud of the Week!

And now here is our Dud:

Message received on 07/24/12:


Really? That's all you had to say? Apparently you do not have a sense of humor, so I am going to use a picture to illustrate your lack of humor and appreciation for someone who even dared to think outside of the box and stand out even:

And because this dud forgot who the fuck I was, here is another picture to illustrate my point:

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